The Great Homework Debate
The Legislative Process for Middle Schoolers
Editors Note: This is a mock lesson created for my (failed) attempt at Teach for America.
8th Grade Social Studies. Legislative Conference Committee Case Study
Objective: Learning how the conference committee process works using a case study on the topic of the “Homework on Weekend” Act
Last Time We Met:
The Students (or House of Representatives) passed their bill stating “there shall be no homework given on the weekend under no circumstances” they came to this conclusion based on their points of
A. Practice enough at school
B. Weekends are downtime
C. Can focus on other activities
The Teachers (Or Senate) passed their bill stating “there shall be homework given every weekend” they came to this conclusion based on the points of
A. More time= better grades
B. Can improve on weaknesses
C. Can practice content through multiple formats
Today's task:
Members of each body have been appointed to a conference committee by the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader. A conference committee is a “Temporary, ad hoc panel composed of House and Senate conferees formed to reconcile differences in legislation that has passed both chambers. Conference committees are usually convened to resolve bicameral differences on major and controversial legislation.” The goal of this committee is to find the compromise between the two bills. As we studied yesterday, compromise is “an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions.”
After hours of meetings and negotiations, there are three options for the conference committee to pick from.
A. Homework is assigned on the weekend only when a test is coming up
B. Homework is assigned every other weekend
C. Homework is assigned only two times a month on the weekend
While a case can be made for all three options, A is the right answer because both sides made concessions yet still aligns with their top goals of for the students still having free time on the weekend, while the teachers see the students getting vital practice before a test which could see their test scores increase.