Explore 24: Union Vote
Working Voters Being Courted By All
In the 1930s, Franklin Roosevelt rose to power and, in teaming with organized labor, built the middle class into a power in the American electorate. Since then, the Democratic Party could count on organized labor for votes and campaign donations, trying to mold the party’s image as representative of working families. Not only have presidential candidates courted picnics and get-togethers at union shops over the years, but Democratic state legislative delegations have many officials in blue-collar regions. Many legislators have worked with unions, and some have even been members. Only Ronald Regan could penetrate this voting block in the 1980s and have them vote conservative, but they flipped back to the Democrats with Bill Clinton and remained steady this century.
Percentage of Voters Who Are Union Members
2000 26%
2004 24%
2008 21%
2012 18%
2016 18%
2020 20%
Union Voters
In 2016, Donald Trump was able to appeal to union members, especially in the Midwest, which flipped the electoral college to his advantage by trashing past trade deals, which he claims killed union jobs. He could count on workers in his corner, which helped him steamroll in the Republican primary this spring, giving him a geographic and voter advantage. Union members will be the swing voters in many states who will decide who sits in the White House for the next four years as the battleground runs through the heartland.
Non Union Voters
Each party gave labor unions speaking slots at each convention. Sean Robbins, president of the Teamsters International Union, Republican Convention, while Democrats highlighted support from the United Auto Workers, Steelworker, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and American Federation of State Federal and County Employees.
While President Biden is trying to steer his support from unions to the Vice President, and Donald Trump trying to grow his support from previous elections. With each side saying they will represent the working people and they will prosper under their policies, unions will be one of the premier demographics of the election.
Some Data Points Worth Watching
-How do heavy unions states in Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin
-Union vs Non-union, who is stronger
-Can Trump improve among union members
-Can Harris win non-union workers
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