Explore 24: Super Tuesday Recap
Let the General Election Begin
Super Tuesday offered a breaking point in the presidential primary calendar. It ended the campaigns for challenges to both President Biden and former President Trump, setting up the showdown that no one seems to be looking forward to. Edison Research took exit polls in Virginia, North Carolina, and California, which the national networks utilize. Here are some interesting data points that each state had to offer.
51%-49%-Men/Woman Voter Breakdown
Most Important Issues
38% Immigration
34% Economy
11% Foreign Policy
9% Abortion
Did Joe Biden win the 2020 election
45% Yes
46% No
Education Breakdown
No College 41%
College Degree 45%
Do you support a Federal Ban on Abortion
34% Yes
57% No
Candidate Qualities
31% Share my Values
21% Have the Right Temperament
27% Fight for People Like Me
17% Beat President Biden
Is the Economy Headed in the Right Direction
24% Yes
75% No
Who is best equipped to Handle a Crises
Haley 39%
Trump 59%
Demographic Breakdown
Men-Trump 60%-38%
Woman-Trump 54%-43%
Ages 30–44- Trump 51%-47%
Ages 45–64-Trump 57%-40%
65+ Trump 60%-39%
College Graduate-Haley 57%-41%
No College Degree-Trump 74%-24%
Moderates Haley 68%-30%
Conservatives Trump77%-26%
Most Important Issues
Foreign Policy Haley +18
Abortion Haley +14
Immigration Trump +20
Economy Trump +11
President Biden Approval Rating Among Nicki Haley Voters
48% approve
51% disapprove.
North Carolina
54%-46% Men/Woman Voter Breakdown
Most Important Issues
41% Immigration
33% Economy
11% Abortion
10% Foreign Policy
No College 52%
College 39%
68% Trump still qualified if convicted
Favors Abortion Ban
49% Yes
45% No
Condition of Economy
3% Excellent
17% Good
31% Not Good
48% Poor
Candidate Qualities
40% Share my Values
10% Right Temperament
32% Fight for People Like Me
14% Beats Biden
Demographic Breakdown
Men-Trump 75%-25%
Woman-Trump 65%-31%
College Grad-Trump 50%-46%
No College-Trump 82%-13%
Moderate-Haley 61%-31%
Conservative-Trump 79%-18%
Important Issues
43% Economy
39% Immigration
9% Foreign Policy
8% Abortion
Super Tuesday demonstrated that the conservative base is clearly behind Donald Trump, especially in North Carolina, where a more socially conservative base clearly embraces the policies that were pushed from 2017–21. With the immigration issue being the top issue in every state that had an exit poll besides California, there is a clear blinking red light that the Democrats and President Biden need to have a messaging campaign that shows he has policies that can ease the tension at the southern border. With the primary campaign over and likely the end of exit polls, I will dive into other key results and themes that have emerged during this campaign in the next few articles.